Sunday, February 04, 2007

Last visit to Killarney

Today Kimbrough Jennings and I went to Killareny for the last time, to Ginny Howard's art class, and showed those great kids in our core group one of the mosaic panels -- the half grouted one with two big faces of the aldermen. I wanted to bring my favorite panel, the one with all of the people holding the vote signs, but it is all grouted and was too heavy! This one was great because it showed them another step in the process -- they could see how it looked grouted and ungrouted.

They were really excited and proud. One little girl said " I never thought I'd be involved in something like this." It is wonderful to think someday these kids may bring their kids by and say -- "I drew that person", or "I designed that church!" They wanted to know all the details about how it is being hung on the wall, and how big it is. i think when they finally see it, they will be amazed. it is hard to picture it. I hope a lot of them will be able to make it to the unveiling ceremony!

We are working on the invitation and the press release -- they should be finished soon. And the big grouting session is Sunday -- I hope we can finish it up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

its so pretty!