Wednesday, October 14, 2020


Friday, January 11, 2013

Crealdé School of Art:  Celebrating Community Arts Mosaic

Community Pride in Hannibal Square Mosaic, in its new site on the Winter Park Community Center.  It serves as a regular resource for the Hannibal Square Heritage Center to tell the stories of the history of voting rights in this historically African American neighborhood, as it faces encroaching gentrification.

Welcoming Wildlife: Dommerich Elementary School Ecology Mosaic

Students at Dommerich Elementary School in Maitland, Florida, admire the mosaic they built. Every student in the school had a hand in the creation of this piece.

Ecology Mosaic, Trinity Preparatory School, Winter Park, Florida

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Crealdé Mosaic

Here's a new mosaic we just built at the Crealdé School of Art main campus!

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Our beautiful mosaic, which we have cared for and nurtured for these six months past, is out in the real world now. We will miss it and the time we spent together building it, but we wish it a long and happy life out there on its own, where people can see the love and attention that went into every detail, hear the important story it is telling, and read how children, community members, artists, and community organizations like Crealdé and The Golden Rule Foundation, can come together to make a thing of such beauty.

(Click on the poicture abouve to see it bigger - or better yet, stop by Hannibal Square to see it in all its glory!)

Saturday, February 17, 2007


Unveiling 2, originally uploaded by Summer Kitchen Studio.

Down comes the curtain! We unveiled the mosaic at a wonderful gathering of about 200 people today in Shady Park in Hannibal Square. At the count of 3 all the kids pulled the curtain down revealing the mosaic to the appreciative crowd.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Mosaic Installation Time-Lapse Movie

We shot off time-lapse pictures of the installation so you can see it go up step by step. Special thanks to my son Sam Saper for composing the music!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Orlando Sentinel Article

Here is the article that ran in this past Sunday's Orlando Sentine -- Willy is the poster girl -- a treat on her birthday!

Sunday, February 11, 2007


Just want to remind everyone who looks at this blog that next Saturday, February 17th, from 10-12 am, the Community Mosaic at Hannibal Square, in progress for 6 months, will be UNVEILED for the public at what promised to be a fabulous dedication ceremony -- come one and all!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

It's UP!!!

What a day! We started at nine, and worked until about 5 pm. David and Ian were up on the scaffolding all day, drilling the panels in place. The rest passed up panels, added finishing tiles, ran errands, and OOOHed and AAAHed. The weather cooperated -- a beautiful day -- not too sunny, not too warm -- just perfect day to be in the park with a project.

Thanks to Willy for the Cranberry Juice" (wink wink) and Virginia for a beautful and scruptious berry tart for a much deserved celebration at the end of the day.

Tomorrow it will be in the paper. We have the seams to grout and a few tiles to add and then we are DONE!

More Installation

Firefighters to the Rescue!

Thw Winter Park Fire department came and lent a hand - and a bucket truck - so we could hang the moon about 25 feet up. Everyone -- includng 6-year-old Lucy, wanted to go up, but Ian went up and put it on the wall, and then followed with thinset, tiles and grout.

Up at the top, putting the tiles on the wall, I realized that I was fulfilling a goal in my life never even knew had -- I never realized I wanted to go up in a bucket firetruck with two firemen and stick tiles on a wall, but I sure did enjoy it.

Mosaic Going Up!

We had a wireless signal for part of the day and were blogging live in the morning.
Sam's putting one of the finishing tiles on the wall.
Uploading pictures to the blog - thankd to Tom for the laptop!
David Cumbie -- installer extraordinaire!

More Live Coverage!

Willy Lopez and Niki Pierson -- two women to call whan you want good work done!

The bottom row is finished - off to a good start - after Niki made two runs to the hardware store for drill bits and tapcons!

David and an put up the frst panel.

Blogging Live from the Mosaic Installation!

Here we are! We met this morning at 9 and now it is 10 am and two panels are already up on the wall. David and Ian are hard at work, while we look on with coffee and bagels and looks of AWE!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Super Artist!

Super Artist, originally uploaded by Summer Kitchen Studio.

Yesterday, thanks to Virginia, Marie, Daryl, Jan, and Willy, my five right-hand women, we finished making and sealing all 24 panels, plus the moon. At one point I asked Daryl, "Can you give me the moon?" and she said, "Ask for the moon and I'll give it to you!"

That is how I feel about this whole project. These artists and all the people and support systems have helped bring about something spectacular. We've made the moon.

We met with Niki Pierson and David Cumbie from Crealde to discuss the bottom line. Literally. We drew a chalk like where the bottom of the piece will be -- almost five feet up. That puts the top of the mosaic 15 feet in the air. That should make it visible from farther away, and put it a little more out of reach. The moon goes up very very high, in the upper left. We're talking to the Winter Park Fire Department about helping put it on the wall. We install Saturday!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Marble Player and Litte Fairolyn

marble player, originally uploaded by Summer Kitchen Studio.

This bottom left corner of the mosaic is the memory section. When Fairolyn told the kids about the history of the Hannibal Square neighborhood, the story about the election of the Aldermen in 1887 stood out. But the kids and I were also taken by her tales of childhood in Hannibal Square. She told about kids playing marbles, and about how she and her friends would make dolls from old bottles, putting grass in the top like hair, and using it to learn to braid. So we designed part of the mosaic to be the "Memory" section, with children playing old-time games. The girl in blue is young Fairolyn, playing with her bottle doll, a basket by her side. The little boy, who is unique in the mosaic with his stained-glass face (all of the others are hand-made tiles) was designed by one of the boys in Ginny Howard's art class. He was excited to hear that his figure was featured so prominently.

Gus Henderson and the Aldermen

These dapper guys look just great in their colorful suits outlined in mirror.


Mosaic, originally uploaded by Summer Kitchen Studio.

Just a few last tiles and areas to finish.

Fairolyn and her grandson

Fairolyn Livingston, Hannibal Square historian, brought her grandson Kobe, who added some of the last tiles.

A finished panel! Ergoods Store

Having Fun

haing fun grouting, originally uploaded by Summer Kitchen Studio.